Saugerties Fish & Game Club
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2006 Events Archive at the Saugerties Fish & Game Club
2006 Weekly events
Sun. -   8:00 AM   Open Archery shooting on the bale range
Sun. - 12:00 Noon Open Trap shooting on ATA certified trap range(s)
Sun. - 12:00 Noon Black Powder - Muzzleloaders
Tue. -   5:30 PM    Archery work party - New time!
Tue. -   6:00 PM    Pistol League practice - .22 caliber
Thu. - 12:00 Noon Open Trap shooting on ATA certified trap range(s)
Sat. -   9:00 AM   Pistol League practice - .22 caliber
Sat. - 10:30 AM   Pistol League practice - Center-fire

Jan. 1, 2006
2006 Membership Dues due Jan. 1, 2006!
Full Member dues is $50; $5 for Junior Members under 18 years old.
MUST be Postmarked this year by Jan. 2, 2006 or a $20 late fee will be added!
Don't pay in full by Feb. 1, 2006, your membership expires!
Jan. 15, 2006
Sun. 8:30 AM
Shandaken Primitive Biathlon - Ninth Annual at Upper Esopus - $15 Registration 8:30 - 12:00 noon. Event starts at 12:00 Noon. This involves snowshoeing - the classic wooden and rawhide kind -- over a halfmile course, stopping at four stations to shoot hanging targets with a traditional muzzleloader. It's a demanding up and down hill course, so if you want to give it a try be sure you're in good health. Entries will be divided into six groups: 12-16, 17-40, 41-59, 60 and over, ladies, and smoothbore. Men and women compete equally in the biathlon and four women have been among the winners in the past. To be assured of a place in the competition, pre-register by Jan. 5 by sending names and addresses, together with a $10 pre-registration fee each to: Larry Hughson - Chairman, Shandaken Primitive Biathlon, 58 Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401. For further info, call Larry at (845) 331-5201.
Feb. 12, 2006
(corrected date)
Muzzleloading Meat Shoot - Paper, Novelty, Metal Targets - $10
Feb. 16, 2006
Thu. 7:30 PM
Strategic 'Turkey Shoot' planning meeting
Contact Steve Thorbjornsen (845) 336-4674 for details
Feb. 18, 2006
Sat. 6:00 PM
Venison Dinner - $9 per person - a Great value for a Great meal! - Register with Tom Rea by Feb. 12!
3 evenings
& Saturday
Hunter Education Course at the Clubhouse
3 evenings 6:00 PM - 9 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM - 3 PM
Contact Charles Zanos (845) 246-1882 for more info.
Mar. 12, 2006
Sun. 8:00 AM
3-D Archery Shoot - 28 Targets at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres.
Adults: $10, Youths: $5, Cubs: Free - Club Rules Apply. 5 Shooters in any Class for Trophy.
Sign in: 8 AM to 1 PM. Refreshments available.
Mar. 19, 2006
Muzzleloading/Black Powder Meat Shoot - Paper, Novelty, Metal Targets - $10
Mar. 30, 2006
Thu. 7:30 PM
'Turkey Shoot' planning meeting
Contact Steve Thorbjornsen (845) 336-4674 for details
Apr. 1, 2005
Sat. 6:00 PM
Italian Dinner - another Great value for a Great meal!
Apr. 23, 2006
Sun. 8:00 AM
3-D Archery Shoot - 28 Targets at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres.
Adults: $10, Youths: $5, Cubs: Free - Club Rules Apply. 5 Shooters in any Class for Trophy.
Sign in: 8 AM to 1 PM. Refreshments available.
May 3, 2006
Wed. 7:30 PM
'Turkey Shoot' planning meeting
Contact Steve Thorbjornsen (845) 336-4674 for details
May 11, 2006
Thu. 11:00 AM
Fish stocking in Saugerties - Only one day this year!
HELP IS NEEDED! Meet at 11:00 AM at the Northbound entrance/exit of the Saugerties Thruway Exit (across from McDonalds).
May 13, 2006
Sat. 1:00 PM
High-Power Rifle Shoot
Contact Brian Sawchuk (845) 246-7392 for details
Jun. 18, 2006
Sun. 8:00 AM
3-D Archery Shoot - 28 Targets at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres.
Adults: $10, Youths: $5, Cubs: Free - Club Rules Apply. 5 Shooters in any Class for Trophy.
Sign in: 8 AM to 1 PM. Refreshments available.
June 29, 2006
Thu. 7:30 PM
'Turkey Shoot' planning meeting
Contact Steve Thorbjornsen (845) 336-4674 for details
Jul. 2, 2006
Muzzleloading/Black Powder Blanket Shoot - Woods Walk
Sep. 3, 2006
Sun. 8:00 AM
3-D Archery Shoot - 28 Targets at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres.
Adults: $10, Youths: $5, Cubs: Free - Club Rules Apply. 5 Shooters in any Class for Trophy.
Sign in: 8 AM to 1 PM. Refreshments available.
Sep. 10, 2005
Sun. 10:00 AM
Annual Turkey Shoot at SFGC!
Many events to shoot to win a frozen turkey!
Archery Bale/Wandering Range is closed from Oct. 9 - Dec. 17, 2006
Oct. 21, 2006
Sat. 6:00 PM
Venison Stew Night - $8 per person - pay at the door - a Great value for a Great meal!
Nov. 5, 2006
Sun. 8:00 AM
Pancake Breakfast and Rifle Sight-in - Open to the public - Sunday before deer rifle season - shooting at 10 AM - (Trap shooting begins after rifle range shooting ends)
All Ranges closed Nov. 18 - Dec. 10, 2006 except for noon - 1 PM alibi sight-in
Dec. 17, 2006
Sun. 8:00 AM
Jingle Bell 3-D Archery Shoot - 28 Targets at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres. The Jingle Bell shoot is at no charge! - Club Rules Apply. 5 Shooters in any Class for Trophy.
Sign in: 8 AM to 1 PM. Refreshments available.

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PO Box 261, Saugerties, NY 12477
(845) 246-6695

One of New York's Oldest Active Sportsmen's Clubs!

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This page last updated at 18:37:12 EST on January 28, 2008.