Saugerties Fish & Game Club
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2011 Events Archive at the Saugerties Fish & Game Club
Weekly events
Sun. -   8:00 AM   Open Archery shooting on the bale range unless group has gone to another club's 3-D shoot
Sun. -   8:30 AM   * Range Work Party • contact Range Chairman for details   * 1st & 3rd Sun.
Sun. - 12:00 Noon Open Trap shooting on ATA certified trap range(s)
Sun. - 12:00 Noon Black Powder • Muzzleloaders
Mon. -   5:30 PM   * Archery and Black Powder work parties   * after DST time changes Mar. 8
Tue. -   6:00 PM    Pistol League practice • .22 caliber
Thu. - 12:00 Noon Open Trap shooting on ATA certified trap range(s)
Sat. -   9:00 AM   Pistol League practice • .22 caliber
Sat. - 10:30 AM   Pistol League practice • Center-fire
Sat. - 1:00 PM   * High-Power Rifle (Military & Scoped competition rifles)   * 2nd & 4th Sat.

Jan. 1, 2011
2011 Membership Dues due Jan. 1, 2011!
Full Member dues is $75; $5 for Junior Members under 18 years old.
MUST be Postmarked by Jan. 1, 2011 or a $20 late fee will be added!
Don't pay in full (including the late fee) by Feb. 1, 2011, your membership expires!
Last Tue.
Jan. - Nov.
Regular business meetings begin at 7:00 PM!
Mar. 6, 2011
Sun. 8:00 AM
Muzzleloading/Black Powder Blanket Shoot with Prize Table here at SF&GC (patched round ball, open sights only). Registration 8:00 - 11:00 AM, shooting starts at 10 AM. Adults: $10 plus Blanket prize, Cubs (under 16): Free + Blanket prize. In the event of rain, we will shoot alternate targets on the range (the firing line is covered). Contact Paul Schoenweiss - Black Powder Chairman for more details.
Mar. 13, 2011
Sun. 2:00 AM
Daylight Savings Time begins - 'Spring Ahead'!
Mar. 19, 2011
Sat. 8 AM - done
Hunter Education Course - Rifle at Saugerties Fish & Game Club
Participants are REQUIRED to conduct the Internet based Introduction to Hunter Education BEFORE attending this one day class!
You must be present at 8 AM and attend the whole class for your certificate!
Contact Robert Schlichting (845) 339-8544 Monday thru Saturday 8 AM - 6:00 PM for more info and/or to register.
Mar. 20, 2011 First Day of Spring - Spring Equinox
Mar. 20, 2011
Sun. 8 AM - done
Hunter Education Course - Bow at the Saugerties Fish & Game Club
You must be present at 8 AM and attend the whole class for your certificate!
Contact Robert Schlichting (845) 339-8544 Monday thru Saturday 8 AM - 6:00 PM for more info and/or to register.
Mar. 28-30, 2011 All Ranges except Archery closed Monday through Wednesday, March 28, 29, & 30, 2011 between 8:00 AM through 2:00 PM.
Apr. 17, 2011
Sun. 8:00 AM
Sign in:
8 to 11 AM
3-D Archery Shoot • Mix of 45 Targets (McKenzie & Rinehart) at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres. Cost: $15 for adults, $7 for youths - includes lunch 1 beverage & 1 bratt or burger with condiments. Other refreshments available at cost posted.
Certificates awarded for score with five shooters in a class. Ten shooters or more in a class for a second place award. Scoring done by NFAA, IBO and SF&GC Rules.
Contact Tom Bruck - Archery Chairman for more details.
May 22, 2011
Sun. 8:00 AM
Muzzleloading/Black Powder Blanket Shoot with Prize Table here at SF&GC (patched round ball, open sights only). Registration 8:00 - 11:00 AM, shooting starts at 10 AM. Adults: $10 plus Blanket prize, Cubs (under 16): Free + Blanket prize. In the event of rain, we will shoot alternate targets on the range (the firing line is covered). Contact Paul Schoenweiss - Black Powder Chairman for more details.
Jun. 21, 2011 First Day of Summer - Summer Solstice - longest day of the year
Jul. 28, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Aug. 4, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Aug. 7, 2011
Sun. 8:00 AM
Muzzleloading/Black Powder Blanket Shoot with Prize Table here at SF&GC (patched round ball, open sights only). Registration 8:00 - 11:00 AM, shooting starts at 10 AM. Adults: $10 plus Blanket prize, Cubs (under 16): Free + Blanket prize. In the event of rain, we will shoot alternate targets on the range (the firing line is covered). Contact Paul Schoenweiss - Black Powder Chairman for more details.
Aug. 11, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Aug. 18, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Aug. 25, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Sep. 1, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Sep. 8, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM
SFGC Steel Challenge - Bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders. Arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. See details below.
Sep. 11, 2011
Sun. 8:00 AM
Sign in:
8 to 11 AM
3-D Archery Shoot - Special 9/11 10th anniversary - ??Flag Prizes?? • Mix of 45 Targets (McKenzie & Rinehart) at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres. Cost: $15 for adults, $7 for youths - includes lunch 1 beverage & 1 bratt or burger with condiments. Other refreshments available at cost posted.
Certificates awarded for score with five shooters in a class. Ten shooters or more in a class for a second place award. Scoring done by NFAA, IBO and SF&GC Rules.
Contact Tom Bruck - Archery Chairman for more details.
Mon., Sep. 12
12 Noon - 3 PM
Pistol/Rifle range closed - until 3:00 PM for Coast Guard use
Tue, Sep. 13, 2011
Noon - 9:00 PM

Primary Elections - VOTE!!!
Not sure where? Contact Ulster County Board of Elections (845) 334-5470
Sep. 15, 2011
Thu. 6:00 PM

(League end)
SFGC Steel Challenge - Steel Challenge Style Shooting is a fun and simple way to mix accuracy and speed to hone your handgun skills. It is simply a timed string of fire engaging 5 (five) static steel plates arranged in various patterns and yardages. There are four White plates and one larger Red one. You start by hitting the white plates and finish with the red one - yup that's all there is to it. The yardages range between 7 to 18 yds and targets are generously sized. If you own a handgun (whether it is center fire or rim fire), you can use it in our Steel Challenge League. This is a scored league and divisional winners will be recognized at the end of the league.
If you want to give this a try, just show up on Thursday evenings. Please bring at least 75 rounds of ammo and a minimum of 2 (two) magazines or speed loaders for your handgun. I ask that you arrive with your handgun un-loaded and in a holster or bag. If you have any questions call Gus at (845) 389-3980.
Sep. 23, 2011 First Day of Autumn - Fall Equinox - day when night and day are of equal length
Oct. 1, 2011
Sat. 9:00 AM
till completed

(Home Study
NYS DEC Hunter Education - Gun - Home Study (Online Course)! This class requires 5 or more hours of homework before the field session(s). Registration for self study required by Sep. 19 by emailing to <>! For the detailed homework assignment and more information about getting credit for Internet Home Study, see Web Course Instructions for Students (112kb pdf file to download and print). You can also have this mailed to you by calling 1-888-HUNT-ED2. Students under 16 years old will need the Permission Form to attend a course. It is in the flyer "Responsibilities of Parents of Junior Hunters" (54kb pdf file to download and print). You can also have this mailed to you by calling 1-888-HUNT-ED2. Additional information is available at NYS DEC web site. Bring a black pen for registration and test, and dress for outside woods activity.
Oct. 2, 2011
Sun. 9:00 AM
till completed
NYS DEC Hunter Education - Bow - Bring a black pen for registration and test, and dress for outside woods activity.
Oct. 3 & 4
9 AM - 3 PM
Pistol/Rifle range closed - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM for Police use
Oct. 10 & 11
9 AM - 3 PM
Pistol/Rifle range closed - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM for Police use
Oct.15 - Dec.20
Archery Bale/Wandering Range is closed from Oct. 15 - Dec. 20, 2011
The 20 yard Practice Butts are open all year except during special events.
Oct. 29, 2011
Sat. 9:00 AM
till completed

(Home Study
NYS DEC Hunter Education - Gun - Home Study (Online Course)! This class requires 5 or more hours of homework before the field session(s). For the detailed homework assignment and more information about getting credit for Internet Home Study, see Web Course Instructions for Students (112kb pdf file to download and print). You can also have this mailed to you by calling 1-888-HUNT-ED2. Students under 16 years old will need the Permission Form to attend a course. It is in the flyer "Responsibilities of Parents of Junior Hunters" (54kb pdf file to download and print). You can also have this mailed to you by calling 1-888-HUNT-ED2. Additional information is available at NYS DEC web site. Bring a black pen for registration and test, and dress for outside woods activity.
Oct. 30, 2011
Sun. 9:00 AM
till completed
NYS DEC Hunter Education - Bow - Bring a black pen for registration and test, and dress for outside woods activity.
Nov. 6, 2011
Sun. 2:00 AM
Daylight Savings Time ends - Clock 'Falls Behind'!
Nov. 6, 2011
Sun. 7:00 AM
Pancake Breakfast and Rifle Sight-in • Open to the public • Get ready for Big Game rifle season • shooting at 9 AM • (Trap shooting begins after rifle range shooting ends)
Nov. 8, 2011
6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

General Elections - VOTE!!!
Not sure where? Contact Ulster County Board of Elections (845) 334-5470
 Nov. 19 - National Ammo Day
Check your supplies and restock
Nov.19 - Dec.11 All Ranges closed Nov. 19 - Dec. 10, 2011 (except on Sundays) for Deer Rifle Season and except for one hour, Noon through 1 PM on Mon. thru Sat. for alibi sight-in.
Dec. 22, 2011 First Day of Winter - Winter Solstice - shortest day of the year
Dec. 18, 2011
Sun. 8:00 AM
Sign in:
8 to 11 AM
Jingle Bell Archery Novelty Fun Shoot • 28 Novelty Targets placed on bale range pillow backers at realistic hunting distances over 20 acres with limited club rules.
In appreciation for 3-D participation throughout the year, there is no charge for this shoot and there are no trophies. All classes of shooters welcome.
Dec. 27, 2011
NO Meeting!
Merry Christmas! • (Never a Membership Meeting in December.)
Best wishes to enjoy the holiday season into next year.
Jan. 1, 2012
2012 Membership Dues due Jan. 1, 2012!
Full Member dues is $75; $5 for Junior Members under 18 years old.
MUST be Postmarked by Jan. 1, 2012 or a $20 late fee will be added!
Don't pay in full (including the late fee) by Feb. 1, 2012, your membership expires!

Home Action Items Contacts Directions Events Links History Membership

© Copyright 2000-2025 Saugerties Fish and Game Club, Inc.
PO Box 261, Saugerties, NY 12477
(845) 246-6695

One of New York's Oldest Active Sportsmen's Clubs!

Hosted and maintained by...
Kropf.Computer Services, Inc.
"Keeping business plugged in... the Whole-Wide-World!"

You may contact the Webmaster here regarding this web site.

This page last updated at 19:38:54 EST on January 04, 2013.

Home Action Items Contacts Directions Events Links History Membership

© Copyright 2000-2025 Saugerties Fish and Game Club, Inc.
PO Box 261, Saugerties, NY 12477
(845) 246-6695

One of New York's Oldest Active Sportsmen's Clubs!

Hosted and maintained by...
Kropf.Computer Services, Inc.
"Keeping business plugged in... the Whole-Wide-World!"

You may contact the Webmaster here regarding this web site.